RACP Supervisor Workshops (SPDP)

Supervisor Workshop (SPDP)

The Supervisor Professional Development Program (SPDP) is a high-quality training program for final year Advanced Trainees and Fellows who supervise trainees in RACP-accredited positions. SPDP 1, 2 and 3 can be completed in any order. You'll be an RACP-approved supervisor (previously 'accredited supervisor') when you've completed all 3 workshops.

The RACP will offer Supervisor training at the conference venue in conjunction with the conference.

Wednesday 3rd November (pre conference day concurrent with other workshops)

Morning: SPDP 2 - Learning Environment and Culture
Due to unexpected circumstances, we have had to cancel  SPDP 2. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
However, we welcome you to register for any of the SPDP 2 workshops that are currently available on the RACP website hereIf you have any questions, please reach out to Genevieve.Prescott@racp.edu.au.

Afternoon: SPDP 3 - Teaching and Facilitating Learning for Safe Practice

Friday 5th November (concurrent with conference programme)

SPDP 1 - Educational Leadership and Management

Supervisors must complete:

1 x SPDP workshop by the end of 2021

All remaining workshops by the end of 2022

SPDP is considered a 'Category 2: Reviewing Performance' activity in the 2020 MyCPD Framework.  
MyCPD participants will earn 3 CPD credits per hour.

For more information, please visit the RACP website 

Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (IMSANZ)

145 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2000
P: +61 2 9169 1838